Tuesday, June 5, 2007

the presention powerpoint

Download the global warming.ppt

What We Learn?

In this post I’m going to talk about what I learned during this project. First, I like to talk about before doing this project. In the school, with my friends, newspapers, TVs and in my life in general I didn't hear any thing about global warming. When our teacher in the college talked to us about global warming it was the first time for me to hear about something like this and I surprised because I didn't think that there were issues which makes the whole world in danger.after researching on the internet, reading articles in the college and talking with my friends in the class about global warming I learned that the human in the earth are doing some thing wrong with the world such as they don't care about the environment, they don't know that they children will say that our parents made our life in danger. We still have a time to stop global warming from increase because it's not very dangerous now, but in the future, everyone will say I hope if I have a chance to do something to stop global warming.Thanks my teachers for educating my friends and I about the global warming because it's really very dangerous issue and we have to do something to stop it.

Individual Action

As we learned about what does global warming mean, causes of global warming and effects of it, normally we will feel that it's impossible to do any thing with this issue. The reason for this feeling is if anyone think to stop smoking which is one of the causes of global warming, he will ask himself why should I stop smoking and thousands of people are smoking?.I think it's very very very very very very difficult to work in this issue individually. We have to put our hands together to solve this issue as a group, but if I have been asked what can I do individually to reduce to global warming I will answer the thing what can I do is educating my friends and telling them about the danger of global warming because most of people do not know what does global warming mean and how it is danger for us.

The UAE and global warming

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16640176/page/2/http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16640176/In the MSNBC site, I found that this web was talking about what the UAE is doing and lot of projects and developments especially Dubai which harms the environment. It is right that UAE is doing a lot of projects and developments, but UAE is now making some strategies to save the environment and work hard in the global warming issue.In my opinion UAE is trying hard to save the environment even if it is consuming a lot of energy because of the very fast development that UAE has gone through in the last years, but UAE is learning from the mistakes and try to correct it.I also found that this web was talking about education people how are living in the UAE is very important to get knowledge about the causes and effects of global warming, but In my opinion, I think it’s very good way to reduce I effects of global warming in the UAE but the department who is responsible to work in this plan will find problems to educate people in short term. On the other hand, we have to remember that there are hundreds of people who don’t speak Arabic or English, so it will take long time to make a plan for educating the people in the UAE.

Effects of global warming

After reading the causes of global warming, we will think about the earth and what will happen for it after if it becomes hotter. As we know about global warming, it makes the earth get hotter, so some of the important changes could happen and affect the activities of humans and animals. The first change that may happen is, the places which usually get lots of rain may get hotter and drier so we will suffer from the lack of water and less water will be available for drinking and showers. Second, the sea levels will rise because the waters and oceans will absorb the heat. Third, some of plants and animals may die because some of them need good weather to be alive and they will die in the heat of the earth.

All of the effects are important for humans, animals, plants and earth because we are living in it. I will discuss one of the important effects which will put our life on the earth in danger. In my opinion, I think we must focus on the effect which talks about the sea levels will which rise because the waters and oceans will absorb the heat more than land. In the past, the sea levels weren’t as we see it nowadays, because when the earth gets hotter the ice will melt and water temperatures rise. On the other hand, we have to think about the populations of the countries which are near the sea such as South East Asia, Egypt, China and Denmark they are most at risk and millions will lose their homes and children in the future. All of these effects are a result of global warming and we have to stop increasing this bad thing in the earth.

Causes of Global Warming

If we want to talk about the causes of global warming, we have to talk about the activities which are made by humans, it’s right when we say that the causes of global warming are natural gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, but the main causes of global warming starts with how the humans use these gases and the activities of humans which include, burning coal and petrol, known as fossil fuels and cutting down of rainforests and other forests. I’m going to focus on one important gas, (Carbon Dioxide) and how humans use it for (Cars) and how this gas causes global warming.

The danger of carbon dioxide emissions comes from burning gasoline in engines of cars and light trucks. When the cars move for a long time, they help to increase the rate of global warming. For example, if some cars move for more than 12 miles per gallon, they will send much carbon dioxide for over 500 miles, also when drivers are driving in the cities, this is so much overkill to the environment. If car manufacturers increased the average gas of mileage, they would help to reduce the rate of using oil every day and they would help to make our environment clean, so the result will reducing the causes of the global warming.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

About Me......


My name is Mohammed Abbas Idrees, I am 19 years old, and I am student in the Abu Dhabi men’s college. I finished my higher school in 2005 from Abu Dhabi men’s school. Now I study Business and IT in the common year. I like sports very much football, handball and basketball, but most I like it to play handball.