Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Causes of Global Warming

If we want to talk about the causes of global warming, we have to talk about the activities which are made by humans, it’s right when we say that the causes of global warming are natural gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, but the main causes of global warming starts with how the humans use these gases and the activities of humans which include, burning coal and petrol, known as fossil fuels and cutting down of rainforests and other forests. I’m going to focus on one important gas, (Carbon Dioxide) and how humans use it for (Cars) and how this gas causes global warming.

The danger of carbon dioxide emissions comes from burning gasoline in engines of cars and light trucks. When the cars move for a long time, they help to increase the rate of global warming. For example, if some cars move for more than 12 miles per gallon, they will send much carbon dioxide for over 500 miles, also when drivers are driving in the cities, this is so much overkill to the environment. If car manufacturers increased the average gas of mileage, they would help to reduce the rate of using oil every day and they would help to make our environment clean, so the result will reducing the causes of the global warming.

1 comment:

Abdullah-21 said...

Hi bro , very useful essay about causes of global warming , keep it up :D