Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What We Learn?

In this post I’m going to talk about what I learned during this project. First, I like to talk about before doing this project. In the school, with my friends, newspapers, TVs and in my life in general I didn't hear any thing about global warming. When our teacher in the college talked to us about global warming it was the first time for me to hear about something like this and I surprised because I didn't think that there were issues which makes the whole world in danger.after researching on the internet, reading articles in the college and talking with my friends in the class about global warming I learned that the human in the earth are doing some thing wrong with the world such as they don't care about the environment, they don't know that they children will say that our parents made our life in danger. We still have a time to stop global warming from increase because it's not very dangerous now, but in the future, everyone will say I hope if I have a chance to do something to stop global warming.Thanks my teachers for educating my friends and I about the global warming because it's really very dangerous issue and we have to do something to stop it.


Bin_Jassem said...

nice profile.and i agree with most of ur points ^_^

mshfar said...


Your blog is great, most of us didn’t know about global warming until recently. The internet is sure a great help to understand any current situation that is happing right now.

God luck